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On the Registry unocha
Reporting Org on Registry XM-DAC-41127
Reporting Org(s) in Data XM-DAC-41127
Activity Files 50
Organisation Files 1
Total File Size 4.6 MB
Activities 50
Unique Activities 50
Organisations 1
Versions 2.03
Hierarchies null
Licenses odc-by
Files failing validation 0

50 Activities


50 Activity Files


1 Organisation Files


Files per version


4.6 MB Total File Size


1 Files failing validation


0 Files where XML is not well-formed


Data Quality

This section will be blank if no issues were found.



The below figures are calculated based on the data contained within the <budget> element for each reported activity. Original and revised elements are based on the value declared in the budget/@type attribute. Where budgets fall across two calendar years, the month of the <period-end> date is used to determine annual groupings, with budgets for periods ending January-June added to the previous calendar year.

Year Count (all) Sum (all) Count (Original) Sum (Original) Count (Revised) Sum (Revised)
Total 1334 3181214647.0 USD
704 1249199584.0 USD
630 3181214647.0 USD
2015 44 324675553.0 USD
44 324675553.0 USD
2016 46 286824707.0 USD
46 286824707.0 USD
2017 46 264586005.0 USD
46 264586005.0 USD
2018 48 251681504.0 USD
48 251681504.0 USD
2019 46 259985679.0 USD
46 259985679.0 USD
2020 46 271291040.0 USD
46 271291040.0 USD
2021 44 268095536.0 USD
44 268095536.0 USD
2022 45 312813496.0 USD
45 312813496.0 USD
2023 45 315000257.0 USD
45 315000257.0 USD
2024 132 470110922.0 USD
132 470110922.0 USD
2025 176 156149948.0 USD
88 156149948.0 USD
88 156149948.0 USD
2026 176 176 312299896.0 USD
2027 176 176 312299896.0 USD
2028 176 176 312299896.0 USD
2029 88 88 156149948.0 USD

Exploring Data


Package Activities (J) Organisations (J) File Size (J) Version (J)
unocha-afghanistan 1 0 120.0 kB 2.03
unocha-asghp 1 0 20.4 kB 2.03
unocha-burkina-faso 1 0 60.9 kB 2.03
unocha-burundi 1 0 59.0 kB 2.03
unocha-cameroon 1 0 86.2 kB 2.03
unocha-car 1 0 106.8 kB 2.03
unocha-central-costs 1 0 47.7 kB 2.03
unocha-chad 1 0 100.7 kB 2.03
unocha-colombia 1 0 82.6 kB 2.03
unocha-cote-divoire 1 0 15.3 kB 2.03
unocha-drc 1 0 135.1 kB 2.03
unocha-eritrea 1 0 35.7 kB 2.03
unocha-ethiopia 1 0 125.8 kB 2.03
unocha-executive-office 1 0 32.6 kB 2.03
unocha-haiti 1 0 83.5 kB 2.03
unocha-information_management 1 0 76.3 kB 2.03
unocha-iraq 1 0 111.6 kB 2.03
unocha-libya 1 0 57.6 kB 2.03
unocha-mali 1 0 115.1 kB 2.03
unocha-management 1 0 200.7 kB 2.03
unocha-middle-east 1 0 64.2 kB 2.03
unocha-myanmar 1 0 103.1 kB 2.03
unocha-niger 1 0 99.1 kB 2.03
unocha-nigeria 1 0 113.0 kB 2.03
unocha-onetimecosts-rocca 1 0 22.1 kB 2.03
unocha-onetimecosts-rosa 1 0 27.9 kB 2.03
unocha-operations-and-advocacy 1 0 63.4 kB 2.03
unocha-opt 1 0 128.4 kB 2.03
unocha-organizationfiletotalbudget 0 1 268.2 kB 2.03
unocha-pakistan 1 0 51.3 kB 2.03
unocha-philippines 1 0 33.6 kB 2.03
unocha-policy 1 0 32.1 kB 2.03
unocha-prmb 1 0 71.1 kB 2.03
unocha-regionalsupoortsyria 1 0 112.6 kB 2.03
unocha-roap 1 0 122.4 kB 2.03
unocha-rolac 1 0 77.0 kB 2.03
unocha-rop 1 0 58.0 kB 2.03
unocha-rosea 1 0 113.8 kB 2.03
unocha-rowca 1 0 107.9 kB 2.03
unocha-somalia 1 0 135.2 kB 2.03
unocha-south_sudan 1 0 139.1 kB 2.03
unocha-strategic_communications 1 0 43.5 kB 2.03
unocha-sudan 1 0 124.9 kB 2.03
unocha-syria 1 0 140.9 kB 2.03
unocha-syria-ochajordan 1 0 73.4 kB 2.03
unocha-syria-ochalebanon 1 0 74.9 kB 2.03
unocha-syria-ochaturkey 1 0 102.8 kB 2.03
unocha-ukraine 1 0 145.0 kB 2.03
unocha-usg 1 0 86.4 kB 2.03
unocha-vsp 1 0 53.8 kB 2.03
unocha-yemen 1 0 145.4 kB 2.03

Codelist Values (version 2.xx)

Element/Attribute Codelist Values on Codelist Values not on Codelist
.//@default-currency Currency 1 0
.//@xml:lang Language 13 0
.//activity-date/@type ActivityDateType 4 0
.//activity-scope/@code ActivityScope 3 0
.//activity-status/@code ActivityStatus 2 0
.//budget/@status BudgetStatus 2 0
.//budget/@type BudgetType 2 0
.//budget/value/@currency Currency 1 0
.//country-budget-items/@vocabulary BudgetIdentifierVocabulary 1 0
.//default-aid-type/@code CashandVoucherModalities 0 1
Note: this attribute can be on multiple codelists (specified by the @vocabulary attribute) but the Dashboard only currently checks against the default codelist - see issue #174. Therefore some publishers may incorrectly show up as "Not On Codelist".
.//default-finance-type/@code FinanceType 1 0
.//default-flow-type/@code FlowType 1 0
.//default-tied-status/@code TiedStatus 1 0
.//document-link/@format FileFormat 2 0
.//document-link/category/@code DocumentCategory 8 0
.//document-link/language/@code Language 3 0
.//humanitarian-scope/@type HumanitarianScopeType 1 0
.//humanitarian-scope/@vocabulary HumanitarianScopeVocabulary 2 0
.//location/administrative/@code Country 0 40
Note: this attribute can be on multiple codelists (specified by the @vocabulary attribute) but the Dashboard only currently checks against the default codelist - see issue #174. Therefore some publishers may incorrectly show up as "Not On Codelist".
.//location/administrative/@vocabulary GeographicVocabulary 1 0
.//location/exactness/@code GeographicExactness 1 0
.//location/feature-designation/@code LocationType 1 0
.//location/location-class/@code GeographicLocationClass 1 0
.//location/location-id/@vocabulary GeographicVocabulary 1 0
.//location/location-reach/@code GeographicLocationReach 1 0
.//other-identifier/@type OtherIdentifierType 1 0
.//participating-org/@role OrganisationRole 2 0
.//participating-org/@type OrganisationType 3 0
.//recipient-country/@code Country 31 0
.//recipient-region/@code Region 5 1
Note: this attribute can be on multiple codelists (specified by the @vocabulary attribute) but the Dashboard only currently checks against the default codelist - see issue #174. Therefore some publishers may incorrectly show up as "Not On Codelist".
.//recipient-region/@vocabulary RegionVocabulary 1 0
.//reporting-org/@type OrganisationType 1 0
.//result/@type ResultType 1 0
.//result/document-link/@format FileFormat 1 0
.//result/document-link/category/@code DocumentCategory 1 0
.//result/document-link/language/@code Language 3 0
.//result/indicator/@measure IndicatorMeasure 1 0
.//result/indicator/document-link/@format FileFormat 1 0
.//result/indicator/document-link/category/@code DocumentCategory 1 0
.//result/indicator/document-link/language/@code Language 3 0
.//sector/@code UNSDG-Targets 0 1
Note: this attribute can be on multiple codelists (specified by the @vocabulary attribute) but the Dashboard only currently checks against the default codelist - see issue #174. Therefore some publishers may incorrectly show up as "Not On Codelist".
.//sector/@vocabulary SectorVocabulary 1 0
.//transaction/finance-type/@code FinanceType 1 0
.//transaction/provider-org/@type OrganisationType 3 0
.//transaction/receiver-org/@type OrganisationType 1 0
.//transaction/tied-status/@code TiedStatus 1 0
.//transaction/transaction-type/@code TransactionType 4 0
.//transaction/value/@currency Currency 1 0

Elements and Attributes Published

Element/Attribute Activities/Organisations Files
iati-activity 50 50
iati-activity/@default-currency 50 50
iati-activity/@humanitarian 50 50
iati-activity/@last-updated-datetime 50 50
iati-activity/@{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang 50 50
iati-activity/activity-date 50 50
iati-activity/activity-date/@iso-date 50 50
iati-activity/activity-date/@type 50 50
iati-activity/activity-scope 50 50
iati-activity/activity-scope/@code 50 50
iati-activity/activity-status 50 50
iati-activity/activity-status/@code 50 50
iati-activity/budget 50 50
iati-activity/budget/@status 50 50
iati-activity/budget/@type 50 50
iati-activity/budget/period-end 50 50
iati-activity/budget/period-end/@iso-date 50 50
iati-activity/budget/period-start 50 50
iati-activity/budget/period-start/@iso-date 50 50
iati-activity/budget/value 50 50
iati-activity/budget/value/@currency 50 50
iati-activity/budget/value/@value-date 50 50
iati-activity/capital-spend 50 50
iati-activity/capital-spend/@percentage 50 50
iati-activity/conditions 50 50
iati-activity/conditions/@attached 50 50
iati-activity/contact-info 50 50
iati-activity/contact-info/email 50 50
iati-activity/contact-info/organisation 50 50
iati-activity/contact-info/organisation/narrative 50 50
iati-activity/contact-info/telephone 50 50
iati-activity/contact-info/website 50 50
iati-activity/country-budget-items 50 50
iati-activity/country-budget-items/@vocabulary 50 50
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item 50 50
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item/@code 50 50
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item/@percentage 50 50
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item/description 50 50
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item/description/narrative 50 50
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item/description/narrative/@{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang 50 50
iati-activity/default-aid-type 50 50
iati-activity/default-aid-type/@code 50 50
iati-activity/default-finance-type 50 50
iati-activity/default-finance-type/@code 50 50
iati-activity/default-flow-type 50 50
iati-activity/default-flow-type/@code 50 50
iati-activity/default-tied-status 50 50
iati-activity/default-tied-status/@code 50 50
iati-activity/description 50 50
iati-activity/description/narrative 50 50
iati-activity/description/narrative/@{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang 50 50
iati-activity/document-link 50 50
iati-activity/document-link/@format 50 50
iati-activity/document-link/@url 50 50
iati-activity/document-link/category 50 50
iati-activity/document-link/category/@code 50 50
iati-activity/document-link/document-date 50 50
iati-activity/document-link/document-date/@iso-date 50 50
iati-activity/document-link/language 50 50
iati-activity/document-link/language/@code 50 50
iati-activity/document-link/title 50 50
iati-activity/document-link/title/narrative 50 50
iati-activity/humanitarian-scope 50 50
iati-activity/humanitarian-scope/@code 50 50
iati-activity/humanitarian-scope/@type 50 50
iati-activity/humanitarian-scope/@vocabulary 50 50
iati-activity/humanitarian-scope/@vocabulary-uri 29 29
iati-activity/humanitarian-scope/narrative 50 50
iati-activity/iati-identifier 50 50
iati-activity/location 50 50
iati-activity/location/@ref 50 50
iati-activity/location/administrative 50 50
iati-activity/location/administrative/@code 50 50
iati-activity/location/administrative/@level 50 50
iati-activity/location/administrative/@vocabulary 50 50
iati-activity/location/exactness 50 50
iati-activity/location/exactness/@code 50 50
iati-activity/location/feature-designation 50 50
iati-activity/location/feature-designation/@code 50 50
iati-activity/location/location-class 50 50
iati-activity/location/location-class/@code 50 50
iati-activity/location/location-id 50 50
iati-activity/location/location-id/@code 50 50
iati-activity/location/location-id/@vocabulary 50 50
iati-activity/location/location-reach 50 50
iati-activity/location/location-reach/@code 50 50
iati-activity/location/name 50 50
iati-activity/location/name/narrative 50 50
iati-activity/location/point 50 50
iati-activity/location/point/@srsName 50 50
iati-activity/location/point/pos 50 50
iati-activity/other-identifier 22 22
iati-activity/other-identifier/@ref 22 22
iati-activity/other-identifier/@type 22 22
iati-activity/other-identifier/owner-org 22 22
iati-activity/other-identifier/owner-org/@ref 22 22
iati-activity/other-identifier/owner-org/narrative 22 22
iati-activity/participating-org 50 50
iati-activity/participating-org/@ref 50 50
iati-activity/participating-org/@role 50 50
iati-activity/participating-org/@type 50 50
iati-activity/participating-org/narrative 50 50
iati-activity/recipient-country 32 32
iati-activity/recipient-country/@code 32 32
iati-activity/recipient-country/@percentage 32 32
iati-activity/recipient-region 18 18
iati-activity/recipient-region/@code 18 18
iati-activity/recipient-region/@percentage 18 18
iati-activity/recipient-region/@vocabulary 18 18
iati-activity/reporting-org 50 50
iati-activity/reporting-org/@ref 50 50
iati-activity/reporting-org/@type 50 50
iati-activity/reporting-org/narrative 50 50
iati-activity/result 16 16
iati-activity/result/@aggregation-status 16 16
iati-activity/result/@type 16 16
iati-activity/result/description 16 16
iati-activity/result/description/narrative 16 16
iati-activity/result/document-link 16 16
iati-activity/result/document-link/@format 16 16
iati-activity/result/document-link/@url 16 16
iati-activity/result/document-link/category 16 16
iati-activity/result/document-link/category/@code 16 16
iati-activity/result/document-link/document-date 16 16
iati-activity/result/document-link/document-date/@iso-date 16 16
iati-activity/result/document-link/language 16 16
iati-activity/result/document-link/language/@code 16 16
iati-activity/result/document-link/title 16 16
iati-activity/result/document-link/title/narrative 16 16
iati-activity/result/indicator 16 16
iati-activity/result/indicator/@aggregation-status 16 16
iati-activity/result/indicator/@ascending 16 16
iati-activity/result/indicator/@measure 16 16
iati-activity/result/indicator/description 16 16
iati-activity/result/indicator/description/narrative 16 16
iati-activity/result/indicator/document-link 16 16
iati-activity/result/indicator/document-link/@format 16 16
iati-activity/result/indicator/document-link/@url 16 16
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iati-activity/result/indicator/title 16 16
iati-activity/result/indicator/title/narrative 16 16
iati-activity/result/title 16 16
iati-activity/result/title/narrative 16 16
iati-activity/sector 50 50
iati-activity/sector/@code 50 50
iati-activity/sector/@vocabulary 50 50
iati-activity/sector/narrative 50 50
iati-activity/title 50 50
iati-activity/title/narrative 50 50
iati-activity/title/narrative/@{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang 50 50
iati-activity/transaction 50 50
iati-activity/transaction/@ref 50 50
iati-activity/transaction/description 50 50
iati-activity/transaction/description/narrative 50 50
iati-activity/transaction/finance-type 50 50
iati-activity/transaction/finance-type/@code 50 50
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org 50 50
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/@provider-activity-id 50 50
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/@ref 50 50
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/@type 50 50
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/narrative 50 50
iati-activity/transaction/receiver-org 50 50
iati-activity/transaction/receiver-org/@ref 50 50
iati-activity/transaction/receiver-org/@type 50 50
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iati-activity/transaction/value/@value-date 50 50
iati-organisation 1 1
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iati-organisation/@{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang 1 1
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iati-organisation/recipient-country-budget 1 1
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iati-organisation/recipient-country-budget/value/@value-date 1 1
iati-organisation/reporting-org 1 1
iati-organisation/reporting-org/@ref 1 1
iati-organisation/reporting-org/@type 1 1
iati-organisation/reporting-org/narrative 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget 1 1
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iati-organisation/total-budget/period-end 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/period-end/@iso-date 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/period-start 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/period-start/@iso-date 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/value 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/value/@currency 1 1
iati-organisation/total-budget/value/@value-date 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-end 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-end/@iso-date 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-start 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-start/@iso-date 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/value 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/value/@currency 1 1
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