(Publisher Stats JSON)
Publisher: Catholic Relief Services
On the Registry | crs |
Reporting Org on Registry |
Reporting Org(s) in Data |
Activity Files | 1 |
Organisation Files | 1 |
Total File Size | 424.6 kB |
Activities | 16 |
Unique Activities | 16 |
Organisations | 1 |
Versions |
Hierarchies |
Licenses |
Files failing schema validation | 0 |
Activities (J)

No issues were found.
The below figures are calculated based on the data contained within the <budget>
element for each reported activity. Original and revised elements are based on the value declared in the budget/@type
attribute. Where budgets fall across two calendar years, the month of the <period-end>
date is used to determine annual groupings, with budgets for periods ending January-June added to the previous calendar year.
Year |
Count (all) |
Sum (all) |
Count (Original) |
Sum (Original) |
Count (Revised) |
Sum (Revised) |
Total | 49 |
45424929.438 GBP 1967162.0 USD |
24 |
28331445.39 GBP 1565791.0 USD |
25 |
45424929.438 GBP 1967162.0 USD |
2013 | 1 |
752524.0 GBP |
1 |
752524.0 GBP |
2014 | 1 |
2890080.0 GBP |
1 |
2890080.0 GBP |
2015 | 3 |
1760293.0 GBP |
1 |
2432446.0 GBP |
2 |
1760293.0 GBP |
2016 | 4 |
3436523.438 GBP |
1 |
2432446.0 GBP |
3 |
3436523.438 GBP |
2017 | 5 |
5494194.0 GBP |
2 |
3916502.52 GBP |
3 |
5494194.0 GBP |
2018 | 6 |
8053176.6 GBP 2396.4 USD |
2 |
1982981.27 GBP |
4 |
8053176.6 GBP 2396.4 USD |
2019 | 9 |
10403214.4 GBP 1276291.6 USD |
4 |
2947277.93 GBP 19045.0 USD |
5 |
10403214.4 GBP 1276291.6 USD |
2020 | 7 |
8048595.0 GBP |
4 |
3433870.68 GBP 163090.0 USD |
3 |
8048595.0 GBP |
2021 | 4 |
4586329.0 GBP 688474.0 USD |
1 |
199410.0 GBP |
3 |
4586329.0 GBP 688474.0 USD |
2022 | 2 | 2 |
400159.99 GBP |
2023 | 2 | 2 |
3180534.0 GBP |
2024 | 2 | 2 |
5243169.0 GBP |
2025 | 2 | 2 |
1581324.0 GBP 1383656.0 USD |
2026 | 1 | 1 |
581324.0 GBP |
Exploring Data
Codelist Values (version 2.xx)
Elements and Attributes Published
Organisation Identifiers
Org Type |
Total |
Self Refs |
Excluding Self Refs |
Org Elements |
Refs |
Non-Empty Refs |
Org Elements |
Refs |
Non-Empty Refs |
Valid Refs |
Percentage of Org Elements with Valid Refs |
Accountable | 10 | 10 | 10 | 8 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 100 | (J) |
Extending | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | (J) |
Funding | 17 | 17 | 17 | 0 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 100 | (J) |
Implementing | 46 | 21 | 21 | 7 | 39 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 36 | (J) |
Provider | 734 | 734 | 734 | 550 | 184 | 184 | 184 | 177 | 96 | (J) |
Receiver | 621 | 355 | 355 | 173 | 448 | 182 | 182 | 168 | 38 | (J) |