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Organisation Identifiers

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Org Type Total Self Refs Excluding Self Refs
Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Valid Refs Percentage of Org Elements with Valid Refs
Accountable 486,566 451,979 439,234 299,644 186,922 152,335 139,590 126,630 68
Extending 527,531 492,671 492,623 299,375 228,156 193,296 193,248 50,783 22
Funding 1,186,583 965,134 906,846 503,334 683,249 461,800 403,512 169,498 25
Implementing 866,994 693,709 520,318 121,655 745,339 572,054 398,663 357,961 48
Provider 6,002,170 5,213,302 3,691,413 2,800,953 3,201,217 2,412,349 890,460 480,649 15
Receiver 7,072,955 3,700,939 2,232,349 1,358,786 5,714,169 2,342,153 873,563 662,770 12