IATI Tools

IATI Dashboard

Codelist values used for .//result/document-link/category/@code

Who uses DocumentCategory in .//result/document-link/category/@code?

(for files published to version 2.xx of the standard)

(This page in JSON format)

Values should be on the DocumentCategory codelist.

On Codelist

Codes that are on the DocumentCategory codelist.

A08 Results, outcomes and outputs 99
A12 Activity web page 8
A02 Objectives / Purpose of activity 20
A01 Pre- and post-project impact appraisal 10
B01 Annual report 20
B11 Sector strategy 1
B16 Organisation web page 2
B09 Institutional Evaluation Report 2
A07 Review of project performance and evaluation 10
A10 Tender 1
A03 Intended ultimate beneficiaries 4
B18 Sector web page 1
A04 Conditions 1
A06 Summary information about contract 1

Not On Codelist

Codes that are not on the DocumentCategory codelist.
