Codelist values used for .//crs-add/channel-code/text()
Who uses CRSChannelCode
in .//crs-add/channel-code/text()
(for files published to version 2.xx of the standard)
Values should be on the CRSChannelCode
On Codelist
Codes that are on the CRSChannelCode
Value | Name | Publishers |
12004 | Other public entities in recipient country | 1 |
47131 | Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe | 2 |
11002 | Local Government | 2 |
41304 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation | 1 |
47081 | OECD Development Centre | 1 |
47080 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Contributions to special funds for Technical Co-operation Activities Only) | 2 |
41310 | United Nations Department of Peace Operations - UN peacekeeping operations [only MINURSO, MINUSCA, MINUSMA, MINUJUSTH, MONUSCO, UNAMID, UNIFIL, UNISFA, UNMIK, UNMIL, UNMISS, UNOCI]. Report contributions mission by mission in CRS++. | 1 |
47066 | International Organisation for Migration | 1 |
41305 | United Nations | 2 |
41121 | United Nations Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | 2 |
41114 | United Nations Development Programme | 2 |
21016 | International Committee of the Red Cross | 1 |
41313 | United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (extrabudgetary contributions only) | 1 |
41119 | United Nations Population Fund | 2 |
41122 | United Nations Children’s Fund | 2 |
41140 | World Food Programme | 1 |
47138 | Council of Europe | 1 |
41312 | International Atomic Energy Agency - assessed contributions | 2 |
41307 | World Health Organisation - assessed contributions | 1 |
23000 | Developing country-based NGO | 2 |
41127 | United Nations Office of Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs | 1 |
41147 | Central Emergency Response Fund | 1 |
47149 | International Commission on Missing Persons | 1 |
41126 | United Nations Mine Action Service | 1 |
41130 | United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East | 1 |
41146 | United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women | 2 |
42001 | European Commission - Development Share of Budget | 1 |
41116 | United Nations Environment Programme | 2 |
46024 | Council of Europe Development Bank | 1 |
41143 | World Health Organisation - core voluntary contributions account | 1 |
41148 | United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Trust Fund in Support of Political Affairs | 1 |
41141 | United Nations Peacebuilding Fund | 1 |
41311 | United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (Window One: Flexible Contributions Only) | 1 |
47046 | International Organisation of the Francophonie | 1 |
41000 | United Nations (UN) agency, fund or commission | 2 |
47122 | Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization | 1 |
52000 | Other | 2 |
21018 | International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies | 1 |
12001 | Central Government | 1 |
11000 | Donor Government | 2 |
11004 | Other public entities in donor country | 2 |
13000 | Third Country Government (Delegated co-operation) | 2 |
22000 | Donor country-based NGO | 2 |
41101 | Convention to Combat Desertification | 1 |
41303 | International Telecommunications Union | 1 |
41306 | Universal Postal Union | 1 |
44001 | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | 1 |
44007 | International Development Association - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative | 1 |
44002 | International Development Association | 1 |
47145 | Center of Excellence in Finance | 1 |
46016 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - technical co-operation and special funds (ODA-eligible countries only) | 1 |
42003 | European Commission - European Development Fund | 1 |
42004 | European Investment Bank | 1 |
44004 | International Finance Corporation | 1 |
43000 | International Monetary Fund (IMF) | 1 |
43001 | International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust | 1 |
47146 | International Investment Bank | 1 |
43004 | International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative Trust | 1 |
47144 | International Renewable Energy Agency | 1 |
41123 | United Nations Industrial Development Organisation | 1 |
45001 | World Trade Organisation - International Trade Centre | 1 |
47069 | Bioversity International | 1 |
47071 | International Seed Testing Association | 1 |
47036 | European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation | 1 |
47148 | World Organisation for Animal Health | 1 |
41301 | Food and Agricultural Organisation | 1 |
41302 | International Labour Organisation - Assessed Contributions | 1 |
20000 | Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and Civil Society | 2 |
41317 | Green Climate Fund | 1 |
47067 | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | 1 |
47022 | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna | 1 |
41316 | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change | 1 |
47078 | Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol | 1 |
41309 | World Meteorological Organisation | 1 |
47106 | Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces | 1 |
41120 | United Nations Human Settlement Programme | 1 |
41138 | United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture | 1 |
41142 | United Nations Democracy Fund | 1 |
41128 | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime | 2 |
50000 | Others | 2 |
41308 | World Intellectual Property Organisation | 1 |
10000 | Public Sector Institutions | 2 |
30000 | Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and Networks | 2 |
21000 | International NGO | 2 |
47000 | Other multilateral institutions | 2 |
12000 | Recipient Government | 2 |
40000 | Multilateral Organisations | 2 |
42000 | European Union Institutions | 1 |
61000 | Private sector in provider country | 1 |
62004 | Holding companies, trusts and Special Purpose Vehicles | 1 |
62003 | Investment funds and other collective investment institutions | 1 |
12003 | Public corporations | 1 |
60000 | Private Sector Institutions | 1 |
51000 | University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think-tank | 2 |
62000 | Private sector in recipient country | 2 |
32000 | Networks | 2 |
61009 | Other non-financial corporations | 1 |
41107 | International Atomic Energy Agency (Contributions to Technical Cooperation Fund Only) | 1 |
31000 | Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) | 1 |
21033 | Transparency International | 1 |
21046 | Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development | 1 |
31004 | Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative International Secretariat | 1 |
46008 | Development Bank of Latin America | 1 |
47079 | Organisation of American States | 1 |
11001 | Central Government | 1 |
44000 | World Bank Group (WB) | 1 |
47097 | Pacific Regional Environment Programme | 1 |
47132 | Commonwealth Secretariat (ODA-eligible contributions only) | 1 |