IATI Tools

IATI Dashboard

Codelist values used for .//crs-add/channel-code/text()

Who uses CRSChannelCode in .//crs-add/channel-code/text()?

(for files published to version 2.xx of the standard)

(This page in JSON format)

Values should be on the CRSChannelCode codelist.

On Codelist

Codes that are on the CRSChannelCode codelist.

12004 Other public entities in recipient country 1
47131 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe 2
11002 Local Government 2
41304 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation 1
47081 OECD Development Centre 1
47080 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Contributions to special funds for Technical Co-operation Activities Only) 2
41310 United Nations Department of Peace Operations - UN peacekeeping operations [only MINURSO, MINUSCA, MINUSMA, MINUJUSTH, MONUSCO, UNAMID, UNIFIL, UNISFA, UNMIK, UNMIL, UNMISS, UNOCI]. Report contributions mission by mission in CRS++. 1
47066 International Organisation for Migration 1
41305 United Nations 2
41121 United Nations Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 2
41114 United Nations Development Programme 2
21016 International Committee of the Red Cross 1
41313 United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (extrabudgetary contributions only) 1
41119 United Nations Population Fund 2
41122 United Nations Children’s Fund 2
41140 World Food Programme 1
47138 Council of Europe 1
41312 International Atomic Energy Agency - assessed contributions 2
41307 World Health Organisation - assessed contributions 1
23000 Developing country-based NGO 2
41127 United Nations Office of Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs 1
41147 Central Emergency Response Fund 1
47149 International Commission on Missing Persons 1
41126 United Nations Mine Action Service 1
41130 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East 1
41146 United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women 2
42001 European Commission - Development Share of Budget 1
41116 United Nations Environment Programme 2
46024 Council of Europe Development Bank 1
41143 World Health Organisation - core voluntary contributions account 1
41148 United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Trust Fund in Support of Political Affairs 1
41141 United Nations Peacebuilding Fund 1
41311 United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (Window One: Flexible Contributions Only) 1
47046 International Organisation of the Francophonie 1
41000 United Nations (UN) agency, fund or commission 2
47122 Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization 1
52000 Other 2
21018 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 1
12001 Central Government 1
11000 Donor Government 2
11004 Other public entities in donor country 2
13000 Third Country Government (Delegated co-operation) 2
22000 Donor country-based NGO 2
41101 Convention to Combat Desertification 1
41303 International Telecommunications Union 1
41306 Universal Postal Union 1
44001 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 1
44007 International Development Association - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative 1
44002 International Development Association 1
47145 Center of Excellence in Finance 1
46016 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - technical co-operation and special funds (ODA-eligible countries only) 1
42003 European Commission - European Development Fund 1
42004 European Investment Bank 1
44004 International Finance Corporation 1
43000 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 1
43001 International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust 1
47146 International Investment Bank 1
43004 International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative Trust 1
47144 International Renewable Energy Agency 1
41123 United Nations Industrial Development Organisation 1
45001 World Trade Organisation - International Trade Centre 1
47069 Bioversity International 1
47071 International Seed Testing Association 1
47036 European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation 1
47148 World Organisation for Animal Health 1
41301 Food and Agricultural Organisation 1
41302 International Labour Organisation - Assessed Contributions 1
20000 Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and Civil Society 2
41317 Green Climate Fund 1
47067 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 1
47022 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna 1
41316 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 1
47078 Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol 1
41309 World Meteorological Organisation 1
47106 Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces 1
41120 United Nations Human Settlement Programme 1
41138 United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture 1
41142 United Nations Democracy Fund 1
41128 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2
50000 Others 2
41308 World Intellectual Property Organisation 1
10000 Public Sector Institutions 2
30000 Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and Networks 2
21000 International NGO 2
47000 Other multilateral institutions 2
12000 Recipient Government 2
40000 Multilateral Organisations 2
42000 European Union Institutions 1
61000 Private sector in provider country 1
62004 Holding companies, trusts and Special Purpose Vehicles 1
62003 Investment funds and other collective investment institutions 1
12003 Public corporations 1
60000 Private Sector Institutions 1
51000 University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think-tank 2
62000 Private sector in recipient country 2
32000 Networks 2
61009 Other non-financial corporations 1
41107 International Atomic Energy Agency (Contributions to Technical Cooperation Fund Only) 1
31000 Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) 1
21033 Transparency International 1
21046 Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development 1
31004 Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative International Secretariat 1
46008 Development Bank of Latin America 1
47079 Organisation of American States 1
11001 Central Government 1
44000 World Bank Group (WB) 1
47097 Pacific Regional Environment Programme 1
47132 Commonwealth Secretariat (ODA-eligible contributions only) 1

Not On Codelist

Codes that are not on the CRSChannelCode codelist.

99999 1
999999 1
91010 1