Reporting Orgs
Where are reporting organisation identifiers inconsistent with the IATI Registry?
Checking the reporting-org
identifiers in IATI data.
Inconsistent Reporting Org references
List of Publishers where the reporting-org element does not match the reporting-org field in the IATI Registry.
Click the icons to sort the table by a column. Selecting further columns whilst holding the shift key will enable secondary (tertiary etc) sorting by the desired column/s.
Publisher | Reporting Org on Registry | Reporting Orgs in Data (count) | Reporting Orgs in Data |
Acacia Water | NL-KVK-24428291 |
1 | NL-KVK-34200988-PMS-154 |
Access to Seeds Foundation | NL-KVK-70292361 |
2 | NL-KVK-53744993 NL-KVK-70292361 |
Acid Survivors Foundation | PK-VSWA-511-2007 |
0 | |
Across | KE-NGC-9381 |
2 | KE-NCB-9381 KE-NGC-9381 |
ACT Alliance | CH-FDJP-66006990023 |
2 | NL-KVK-813612809 XI-IATI-CH-FDJP-66006990023 |
ACTED | FR-SIRET-4028868160030 |
2 | FR-RCS-402886816 FR-SIRET-4028868160030 |
Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights | CA-CRA_ACR-107848319 |
1 | CA-CRA_ACR-10784-8319-RR0001 |
Adaptation Fund | XM-DAC-47111 |
1 | 47111 |
Adili Solar Hubs Limited | KE-KRA-P051883897F |
ADS-Nyanza | KE-RCO-78260 |
0 | |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency, Nepal | NP-IRD-302113730 |
1 | XI-IATI-NP-IRD-302113730 |
AECOM | GB-COH-01846493 |
2 | GB-COH-01846493 GB-COH-GB-COH-01846493 |
African Academy of Sciences | KE-NCB-218-051-9341-334 |
1 | KE-NCB-OP-218-051-9341-334 |
African Initiatives | GB-CHC-1064413 |
2 | GB-CHC-1064413 null |
African Security Sector Network | GH-DSW-7992 |
1 | GH-DSW-GH-DSW-7992 |
African Tax Administration Forum | XI-BRIDGE-3665722432 |
1 | ZA-PBO-7270782362 |
Afrikagrupperna Sweden | SE-ON-802007-2446 |
0 | |
Agence Nationale d'Approvisionnement en Eau Potable en Milieu Rural du Benin | BJ-IFU-4201710182326 |
1 | bj-IFU-4201710182326 |
Agroicone | BR-CNPJ-09294138-0001-15 |
0 | |
AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa | NA-NAMRA-04413362 |
1 | NA-COA-04413362 |
Air Charter Service Group Ltd | GB-COH-02525806 |
1 | GB-COH-2525806 |
Akvo Foundation | NL-KVK-27327087 |
2 | NL-KVK-27327087 NL-KVK-41150939 |
Alliance for Global Water Adaptation, Inc | US-EIN-83-3732786 |
1 | US-EIN-833732786 |
American Friends Service Committee | US-EIN-23-1352010 |
0 | |
Ashoka East Africa | KE-NCB-21805120080955572 |
1 | KE-NCB-OP.218/051/2008/095/5572 |
Asian Coalition for Housing Rights | TH-TIN-0993000190092 |
1 | TH-TIN-TH-TIN-0993000190092 |
Association de solidarité internationale, Agriculteurs français et développement international (Afdi) France | FR-INSEE-31827645800037 |
1 | FR-SIRET-31827645800037 |
Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities | UG-NGO-3329 |
1 | UG-NGB-3329 |
2 | UG-NGB-5914-129 UG-NGB-UG-NGB-5914-129 |
Bangladesh Business and Disability Network | XI-IATI-BBDN |
Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha | BD-NAB-0271 |
0 | |
Basel Institute on Governance | CH-FDJP-CHE-109-991-002 |
2 | Basel Institute on Governance CH-FDJP-CHE-109-991-002 |
Berytech Foundation | LB-MOI-26_AD |
2 | LB-MOI-26_AD XI-PB-26_AD |
Bibliothèques Sans Frontières | FR-RCS-49962201700014 |
2 | FR-INSEE-S499622017 FR-RCS-49962201700014 |
Blue Veins | PK-VSWA-2028-2002 |
1 | PK-VSWA-DSW-KhyberPakhtunkhwa-2028 |
Bournemouth University Higher Education Corporation | GB-UKPRN-10000824 |
1 | GB-HESA-10000824 |
BRAC University | XI-GRID-grid.52681.38 |
3 | BD-MEGPRB-SHIM-SHA-14-13-BE-BI-5-97-142 XI-GRID-XI-GRID-grid.52681.38 XI-GRID-grid.52681.38 |
Build Africa | GB-CHC-298316 |
2 | GB-CHC-298316 null |
Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership | ZA-CIP-2011-003386-08 |
1 | ZA-CIP-M2011003386 |
Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) | XM-DAC-46009 |
2 | XI-IATI-46009 XM-DAC-46009 |
Caritas Serbia | RS-APR-17062603 |
0 | |
CARPO - Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient | DE-CR-RA000220-VR9971 |
1 | DE-CR-VR9971 |
Centre Diocésain de Communication de Ouahigouya | BF-MATD-RNRD00045-4000004688 |
1 | BF-MATD-RNRD00045 |
Centre For Citizens With Disabilities | NG-CAC-IT-23286 |
0 | |
Centre for Economic Strategy Ukraine | UA-EDR-9795443 |
1 | UA-EDR-39795443 |
Centre for Legal Research and Development | NG-CAC-54522 |
2 | NG-CAC-54522 NG-CAC-CAC-IT-NO.54522 |
Centre for the Study of Adolescence | KE-NCB-218/051/96110/823 |
0 | |
Chama cha Uzazi na Malezi Bora Tanzania (UMATI) | TZ-TRA-101-304-795 |
0 | |
1 | TZ-TRA-121-406-209 |
CINI | IN-MHA-147110006 |
0 | |
2 | IN-MHA-1070-99-2000 IN-MHA-1070/99-2000 |
Climate Investment Funds | 47135 |
2 | 47134 47135 |
CNV Internationaal | NL-KVK-54436222 |
2 | NL-KVK-54436222 NL-KvK-54436222-27541 |
Commune de Adjarra - Bénin | BJ-IFU-6201810251129 |
1 | null |
Commune de Allada - Bénin | BJ-IFU-6201501755307 |
2 | BJ-IFU-5200801335602 BJ-IFU-6201501755307 |
Commune de Aplahoué - Bénin | BJ-IFU-6201001076902 |
2 | BJ-IFU-6201001076902 BJ-IFU-6201001843703 |
Commune de Bopa - Bénin | BJ-IFU-6200901944209 |
3 | BJ-IFU-6200901944209 BJ-IFU-6201001076902 BJ-IFU-6201001843703 |
Commune de Comè - Bénin | BJ-IFU-6201000370801 |
2 | BJ-IFU-6201000370801 BJ-IFU-6201300688700 |
Commune de Dangbo - Benin | BJ-IFU-4201710012551 |
3 | BJ-IFU-4201710012551 BJ-IFU-5200801335602 BJ-IFU-6201501755307 |
Commune de Klouékanmè - Bénin | BJ-IFU-6201100034408 |
3 | BJ-IFU-6201000370801 BJ-IFU-6201100034408 BJ-IFU-6201300688700 |
Commune de Kpomassè - Bénin | BJ-IFU-6201101182902 |
4 | BJ-IFU-6201000370801 BJ-IFU-6201100034408 BJ-IFU-6201101182902 BJ-IFU-6201300688700 |
Commune de Kétou - Bénin | BJ-IFU-6200901851300 |
4 | BJ-IFU-4201710012551 BJ-IFU-5200801335602 BJ-IFU-6200901851300 BJ-IFU-6201501755307 |
Commune de Lalo - Bénin | BJ-IFU-6200901944805 |
4 | BJ-IFU-6200901944209 BJ-IFU-6200901944805 BJ-IFU-6201001076902 BJ-IFU-6201001843703 |
Commune de Parakou - Bénin | BJ-IFU-6201000068802 |
5 | BJ-IFU-6201000068802 BJ-IFU-6201000370801 BJ-IFU-6201100034408 BJ-IFU-6201101182902 BJ-IFU-6201300688700 |
Commune de Pobè - Bénin | BJ-IFU-6201200579608 |
5 | BJ-IFU-6200901944209 BJ-IFU-6200901944805 BJ-IFU-6201001076902 BJ-IFU-6201001843703 BJ-IFU-6201200579608 |
Commune de Toffo - Bénin | BJ-IFU-5200081145006 |
6 | BJ-IFU-5200081145006 BJ-IFU-6201000068802 BJ-IFU-6201000370801 BJ-IFU-6201100034408 BJ-IFU-6201101182902 BJ-IFU-6201300688700 |
Commune de Toviklin - Bénin | BJ-IFU-6200901945503 |
6 | BJ-IFU-6200901944209 BJ-IFU-6200901944805 BJ-IFU-6200901945503 BJ-IFU-6201001076902 BJ-IFU-6201001843703 BJ-IFU-6201200579608 |
Commune de Zè - Bénin | BJ-IFU-6200801257400 |
7 | BJ-IFU-5200081145006 BJ-IFU-6200801257400 BJ-IFU-6201000068802 BJ-IFU-6201000370801 BJ-IFU-6201100034408 BJ-IFU-6201101182902 BJ-IFU-6201300688700 |
Conciliation Resources | GB-CHC-1055436 |
2 | GB-CHC-1055436 null |
convention de la société civile ivoirienne | ci-moi-474-mis-dgat-dag-sdva |
Corporación de Apoyo a Comunidades Populares | CO-RUES-800121811 |
1 | CO-RUE-800121811 |
Corus International | US-EIN-843236198 |
1 | US-EIN-84-3236198 |
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP | IN-MCA-AAE-8458 |
1 | IN-MCA-IN-MCA-AAE-8458 |
Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) Malawi | GPAF-IMP-031 |
2 | MW-CNM-21 dm |
Development Expertise Center | ET-CSA-0009 |
1 | ET-CSA-CSA-0009 |
Development Organisation of the Rural Poor | BD-NAB-0682 |
0 | |
DKT - (Pakistan) | PK-SEC-0080655 |
2 | PK-SEC-0080655 XI-IATI-PK-SEC-0080655 |
DKT Ethiopia | ET-CSA-0062 |
2 | ET-CSA-0062 ET-CSA-8744 |
DKT International | US-EIN-58-1593137 |
1 | XI-IATI-US-EIN-58-1593137 |
Ecovega Enterprises | KE-RCO-BN-J9S5BMEB |
0 | |
Edukans Foundation | NL-KVK-32092131 |
0 | |
Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA) | ET-MOT-020/4/007 |
2 | ET-MOT-020/4/007 ET-MOT-0204007 |
Ethiopian Women with Disabilities National Assocation | et-CSA-0444 |
1 | ET-CSA-0444 |
Family Life Education Program | UG-NGB-1826 |
0 | |
FMDQ Group PLC | NG-CAC-RC-929657 |
2 | NG-CAC-NG-CAC-RC-929657 NG-CAC-RC-929657 |
Fondation Hirondelle | CH-FDJP-CHE109947366 |
1 | CH-FDJP-f7f0b51e-7432-4c0c-a6c0-7df1101d7983 |
Forest Trends Association | US-EIN-52-2135531 |
2 | US-EIN-52-21315531 US-EIN-52-2135531 |
Forever Sabah | MY-SSM-1172311D |
0 | |
Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH (IZA) | DE-CR-RA000220-HRB7745 |
1 | DE-CR-7745 |
Forum for Africa Women Educationalist Regional Secretariat | KE-NCB-218-051-93197-173 |
2 | KE-NCB-218-051-93197-173 NL-KVK-41201644 |
Fosera Solarsystems GmbH & Co. KG aA | DE-CR-RA000355-HRB726528 |
1 | DE-COA-HRB726528 |
France - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | FR-6 |
3 | FR-6 FR-SIREN-110-006-012 null |
Frères des Hommes | BE-BCE-KBO-0461977940 |
1 | BE-BCE_KBO-0461977940 |
Fundación Avina | PA-PRP-5789 |
2 | PA-PRP-5789 XI-BRIDGE-3570501631 |
Fundación Fondo Mujeres del Sur | AR-CENOC-16969-A |
2 | AR-CENOC-16969-A XI-IATI-359A08 |
Fundación Oriéntame | CO-RUE-860049972 |
2 | CO-CCB-CO-RUE-860049972 CO-RUE-860049972 |
Global Impact Investing Network | US-EIN-27-3166994 |
1 | US-EIN-273166994 |
Global Partnership for Education | XM-DAC-47501 |
0 | |
Global Water Partnership | XM-DAC-7-PPR-4000002938 |
1 | XI-IATI-XM-DAC-7-PPR-4000002938 | | US-EIN-300108263 |
0 | |
GoodWeave International | US-EIN-522042014 |
1 | US-EIN-52-2042014 |
Grand Bargain Test | GB-COH-893249298 |
0 | |
Gulu University | XI-GRID-grid.442626.0 |
1 | XI-IATI-XI-GRID-grid.442626.0 |
Handicap International UK | GB-CHC-1082565 |
3 | FR-PDR-W691075333 GB-CHC-1082565 XI-IATI-W691075333 |
Heartland Alliance International | US-EIN-30-0739799 |
1 | US-EIN-US-EIN-300739799 |
Hilfswerk Austria Zimbabwe | XI-IATI-035026724 |
2 | AT-LPD-035026724 XI-IATI-035026724 |
Himilo Relief and Development Association (HIRDA) | XM-OCHA-HPC6052 |
0 | |
HRWG Indonesia | ID-KHH-0018020.AH.01.07 |
1 | ID-KHH-0018020AH0107 |
ICF Consulting Services Ltd | GB-COH-04161656 |
2 | GB-CH-4161656 GB-COH-04161656 |
IDinsight | US-EIN-27-4933181 |
1 | US-EIN-27-49-33181 |
1 | XI-IATI-MX-RFC-IIN920701G55 |
ILGA World | CH-FDJP-CHE455926653 |
1 | - |
Indigo Trust | GB-CHC-1075920 |
0 | |
Iniciativa Climatica de Mexico | MX-RFC-ICM160118IZ1 |
1 | XI-IATI-MX-RFC-ICM160118IZ1 |
Innovations for Poverty Action | 061660068 |
1 | US-EIN-061660068 |
Institute of Psychiatry, Rawalpindi Medical University | XI-GRID-grid4157124 |
1 | XI-GRID-XI-GRID-grid4157124 |
Integrated Water Resources Management Programme | XM-DAC-7-PPR-4000002894 |
1 | XM-DAC-XM-DAC-7-PPR-4000002894 |
International Food Policy Research Institute | XI-GRID-grid.419346.d |
2 | XI-GRID-grid.419346.d XI-IATI-XI-GRID-grid.419346.d |
International Media Support | dk-cvr-26487013 |
1 | DK-CVR-26487013 |
International NGO Safety Orgnisation | NL-KVK-73728489 |
1 | GB-CHC-1140276 |
International Peace Information Service | BE-BCE_KB0-0421408778 |
1 | BE-BCE_KBO-0421408778 |
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources | XM-DAC-30011 |
2 | RW-MINAFFET-0766/09.06/32/16 XM-DAC-30011 |
Ireland - Department of Foreign Affairs | XM-DAC-21-1 |
3 | Not disclosed XM-DAC-21-1 null |
Iringa Development of Youth, Disabled and Children Care | TZ-TRA-102316134 |
2 | TZ-TRA-102-316-134 |
Jinja district union of persons with disabilities | UG-204CBO-JJA02202000348 |
1 | UG-204CBO-628 |
Justice For All Prison Fellowship Ethiopia | ET-CSA-1327 |
1 | XI-IATI-ET-CSA-1327 |
Kadaster International | NL-KVK-08215619-201210000 |
2 | NL-KVK-08215619-201210000 null |
Kathmandu Medical College Public Limited | NP-CRO-1158-065-066 |
1 | NP-CRO-NP-CRO-1158-065-066 |
Kemitraan Bagi Pembaruan Tata Pemerintahan | ID-KHH-6014052331100057 |
1 | ID-KHH-ID-KHH-6014052331100057 |
Kisumu Medical and Education Trust | KE-KRA-P051119468K |
0 | |
Kyiv School of Economics and Management | UA-EDR-37199602 |
1 | XI-IATI-UA-EDR-37199602 |
Land Equity International | AU-ABN-42097054165 |
1 | AU-ABN-097054165 |
Laterite B.V. | NL-KVK-69759103 |
0 | |
Lithuania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | XM-DAC-84 |
0 | |
LIWA programme trust | KE-KRA-P051542095J |
1 | KE-KRA-p051542095j |
Maastricht School of Management | NL-KVK-41145371 |
2 | NL-KVK-41145371 XI-IATI-NL-KVK-41145371 |
Magariro | MZ-MOJ-F2G1No4 |
0 | |
MAMTA - Health Institute for Mother and Child | IN- |
1 | mam_in |
Medical Research Centre (MRC), Sierra Leone | SL-NRA-1001562-8 |
1 | SL-NRA-1001562-8 |
Mercy-USA for Aid and Development | US-EIN-38-2846307 |
1 | US-EIN-382846307 |
Micaia Foundation | MZ-MOJ100094525 |
1 | MZ-MOJ-100094525 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan | XM-DAC-701-2 |
0 | |
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic | XM-DAC-69-1 |
9 | XM-DAC-69-1 XM-DAC-69-18 XM-DAC-69-2 XM-DAC-69-3 XM-DAC-69-30 XM-DAC-69-4 XM-DAC-69-5 XM-DAC-69-50 XM-DAC-69-99 |
Mondiaal FNV (Stichting) | NL-KvK-41177601 |
0 | |
Multilateral Investment Fund | XI-IATI-MIF |
0 | |
Musawah Global Vision Berhad | MY-SSM-1162174T |
1 | MY-SSM-1162174-T |
Muslim Aid | GB-CHC-295224 |
1 | GB-CHC-1176462 |
Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) | US-EIN-20-4451390 |
0 | |
Network For Enterprise Enhancement and Development Support | IN-MHA-337680017 |
0 | |
New Zealand - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade - New Zealand Aid Programme | NZ-1 |
2 | NZ-1 XI-IATI-NZ-1 |
NIRAS A/S | DK-CVR-37295728 |
2 | DK-CVR-73432219 DK-CVR-DK-CVR-37295728 |
Nonviolent Peaceforce South Sudan | SS-RRC-004 |
4 | SS-RRC-004 SS-RRC-SS-RRC-004 XI-IATI-CHE-442.839.246 XI-IATI-CHE442839246 |
Northern Ireland Cooperation Overseas Ltd | GB-GOR-OT1175 |
1 | GB-GOR-GB-GOR-OT1175 |
OECD | XM-DAC-47080 |
0 | |
Okapi Consulting | ZA-CIP-2005-028883-23 |
1 | XI-IATI-ZA-CIP-2005-028883-23 |
Omidyar Network Fund Inc. | US-EIN-20-1173866 |
0 | |
openmindedly | IM-CR-024714B |
0 | |
Organizacion para la Educacion y Proteccion Ambiental -OpEPA- | CO-CCB-0008863 |
1 | primary source - implementing organization |
Oxfam India | IN-MCA-U74999DL2004NPL131340 |
0 | |
Oxfam Intermón | ES-CIF-G-8236803 |
2 | ES-CIF-G-8236803 ES-RMC-G-8236803 |
Oxford Policy Management | GB-COH-03122495 |
2 | GB-COH-03122495 GB-COH-3122495 |
Pact | US-EIN-13-2702768 |
2 | US-EIN-13-2702768 US-EIN-US-EIN-13-2702768 |
Palladium International Ltd (UK) | GB-COH-2394229 |
2 | GB-COH-02394229 GB-COH-2394229 |
Pan Africa ILGA | ZA-NPO-155-669 |
1 | ZA-NPO-155669 |
Pastoralist Girls Initiative | KE-NCB-KENCBOP218051200802235390 |
1 | KE-NCB-KE-NCB-KENCBOP218051200802235390 |
Peace Brigades International | US-EIN-91-1179750 |
1 | US-EIN-US-EIN-91-1179750 |
Peace Direct | GB-CHC-1123241 |
1 | GB-COH-1123241 |
PEAS (Promoting Equality in African Schools) | GB-CHC-1126550 |
2 | GB-CHC-1126550 null |
PHASE Nepal | NP-SWC-19336 |
1 | NP-DAO-531/062/063 |
1 | SO-COA-09115969 |
Plan International USA | US-IRS-13-5661832 |
0 | |
Population Service International | XM-DAC-21032 |
2 | XI-IATI-21032 XM-DAC-21032 |
Progressio (closed) | GB-CHC-294329 |
2 | GB-CHC-294329 null |
Projet Jeune Leader | MG-NIF-4003264720 |
1 | - |
Public International Law & Policy Group | US-EIN-04-3309296 |
1 | XI-IATI-N00005212609 |
RAIN Foundation (former) | NL-KVK-34200988 (deprecated) |
2 | NL-KVK-34200988 NL-KVK-41208024 |
RedOrange Media and Communications | BD-ROC-C-104266 |
1 | BD-ROC-C-104266-12 |
Responsible Mining Foundation | CH-FDJP-CHE232974628 |
1 | CH-FDJP-CHE23974628 |
Riverrecycle Oy | FI-PRO3087706-5 |
1 | FI-PRO-3087706-5 |
Romania Ministry of Foreign Affairs | XM-DAC-77 |
0 | |
Samir Kassir Foundation | LB-MOI-30-ED |
1 | LB-MOI-30-ed |
Savana Signatures | GH-DSW-4711 |
0 | |
Save the Children International | GB-CHC-1076822 |
0 | |
Save the Children UK | GB-COH-213890 |
0 | |
Scotland's International Development Alliance | GB-SC-SC035314 |
2 | GB-SC-035314 GB-SC-SC035314 |
Search for Common Ground (SFCG) | BE-BCE_KBO-0453975341 |
3 | BE-BCE_KBO-0453475391 BE-BCE_KBO-0453975341 BE-GTCF-0453475391 |
Send a Cow Ethiopia | ET-CSA-0638 |
1 | ET-MOT-0638 |
Send a Cow Uganda | SACU |
1 | sacu |
Sense International | GB-CHC-1076497 |
2 | GB-CHC-1076497 null |
Sharkit Al Manhajyah Lelestsharat Al Tasweeqyeh | JO-CCD-181612 |
0 | |
Shtrii Shakti | NP-SWC-00589 |
0 | |
Sightsavers | GB-CHC-207544 |
35 | GB-CHC-207544 GB-CHC-207545 GB-CHC-207546 GB-CHC-207547 GB-CHC-207548 GB-CHC-207549 GB-CHC-207550 GB-CHC-207551 GB-CHC-207552 GB-CHC-207553 GB-CHC-207554 GB-CHC-207555 GB-CHC-207556 GB-CHC-207557 GB-CHC-207558 GB-CHC-207559 GB-CHC-207560 GB-CHC-207561 GB-CHC-207562 GB-CHC-207563 GB-CHC-207564 GB-CHC-207565 GB-CHC-207566 GB-CHC-207567 GB-CHC-207568 GB-CHC-207569 GB-CHC-207570 GB-CHC-207571 GB-CHC-207572 GB-CHC-207573 GB-CHC-207574 GB-CHC-207575 GB-CHC-207576 GB-CHC-207577 GB-CHC-207578 |
Société Nationale des eaux du Bénin (SONEB) | BJ-IFU-3200700033415 |
1 | BJ-IFU-32000700033415 |
Solar Cooling Engineering GmbH | DE-CR-RA000299-HRB20002 |
1 | DE-COA-321401258 |
Solidaridad Europe | NL-KVK-41150939 |
0 | |
Solidaridad West Africa | GH-DSW-5574 |
0 | |
Solidarites International | FR-RCS-389515180 |
1 | FR-INSEE-389515180 |
Somali Community Concern | XM-OCHA-HPC3382 |
South Asian Women Development Forum | NP-SWC-37725 |
1 | NP-CRO-601371123 |
Spain - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation | ES-DIR3-E04585801 |
0 | |
Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) | XM-DAC-50-21 |
2 | ES-DIR3-EA0045628 XM-DAC-50-21 |
Stichting Aflatoun International | NL-KVK-34229026 |
0 | |
Stromme Foundation | XI-IATI-5914-1107 |
2 | UG-NGB-5914-1107 XI-IATI-5914-1107 |
Switzerland - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) | CH-4 |
3 | CH-4 XM-DAC-CH-4 CH-4 |
Syria Justice and Accountability Centre (SJAC) | US-EIN-81-3014704 |
1 | XI-IATI-US-EIN-81-3014704 |
Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression | FR-RCS-83764263600018 |
1 | FR-INSEE-83764263600018 |
The Asia Foundation | US-EIN-941191246 |
3 | US-AGO-941191246 US-EIN-941191246 null |
the center for victimized women and children | MW-CNM-C057/1998 |
0 | |
The Education Commission | US-EIN-13-3615533 |
2 | US-EIN-13-3615533 US-EIN-133615533 |
The National Association of Municipalities of Benin (ANCB) | BJ-IFU-6201408024805 |
4 | BJ-IFU-4201710012551 BJ-IFU-6201408024805 NL-KVK-27327087 NL-KVK-41150939 |
The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) | XI-IATI-OFID |
0 | |
The Salvation Army International Development UK | GB-CHC-214779 |
0 | |
The University of Aberdeen | GB-UKPRN-10007783 |
2 | GB-UKPRN-10007783 UKPRN10007783 |
The University of Manchester | GB-COH-RC000797 |
3 | Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) Global Health Research GB-COH-RC000797 null |
transforma | CO-CCB-S0052181 |
1 | XI-IATI-901057447-2 |
Transparency International Bangladesh | BD-NAB-1301 |
2 | 1301 BD-NAB-1301 |
Transparently Lebanese | CA-CC-13474046 |
1 | CA-CC-1347404-6 |
TrustAfrica | US-EIN-20-3074517 |
1 | SN-NINEA-500116143V0 |
Twaweza | TZ-BRE-63966 |
2 | TZ-BRE-63966 TZ-BRLA-63966 |
Uganda National NGO Forum | UG-NGO-INDR21712234NB |
1 | UG-NGO-INDP29512234NB |
UK - Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) | GB-GOV-13 |
2 | GB-GOV-13 GB-GOV-26 |
UK - Medical Research Council | GB-COH-RC000346 |
0 | |
UK - Scottish Government | GB-GOV-21 |
0 | |
UN-Habitat | 41120 |
0 | |
United States Department of Commerce | US-GOV-16 |
United States Department of Defense | US-GOV-7 |
2 | US-GOV-2 US-GOV-7 |
United States Department of Energy | US-GOV-20 |
2 | US-GOV-2 US-GOV-20 |
United States Department of Homeland Security | US-GOV-19 |
United States Department of Justice | US-GOV-15 |
United States Department of Transportation | US-GOV-26 |
United States Federal Trade Commission | US-GOV-23 |
United States Health and Human Services | US-GOV-14 |
2 | US-GOV-14 US-GOV-2 |
Universidad de los Andes | XI-GRID-grid.7247.6 |
1 | XI-PID-860007386 |
Universities UK | GB-COH-02517018 |
2 | GB-COH-02517018 uuk |
University of Ghana | XI-GRID-grid.8652.9 |
0 | |
University of Leeds | GB-COH-RC000658 |
1 | GB-COH-RC000658 |
University of Strathclyde | GB-SC-SC015263 |
2 | GB-SC-SC015263 {UniversityofStrathclyde}-{GB-SC-SC015263} |
University of York | GB-COH-RC000679 |
2 | GB-COH-RC000679 GB-REV-GB647205541 |
University Putra Malaysia | XI-GRID-grid.11142.37 |
1 | XI-GRID-XI-GRID-grid.11142.37 |
Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights | US-EIN-03-0419743 |
1 | US-EIN-03-041973 |
Vera Solutions | US-EIN-27-3440108 |
0 | |
Village Enterprise | US-EIN-22-2852248 |
2 | US-EIN-22-2852248 US-EIN-222852248 |
Voluntary Health Association of India | IN-MHA-231650063 |
0 | |
WAPA International ASBL | BE-BCEKB0-0537407021 |
1 | BE-BCE_KBO-0537407021 |
Water Sector Regulatory Council | PS-TIN-888005972 |
2 | PS-MOI-888005972 PS-TIN-888005972 |
We Effect | SE-ON-802004-1524 |
0 | |
West Africa Network for Peacebuilding | GH-DSW-1334 |
1 | GH-RGD-GH-DSW-1334 |
WILPF | CH-FDJP-CHE10092705 |
1 | XI-IATI-CH-FDJP-CHE10092705 |
Women's Action Group | ZW-ROD-MA988/87 |
1 | ZW-ROD-MA988-87 |
Women's International Peace Centre | UG-NGO-2292 |
1 | UG-NGB-2292 |
Women's Refugee Commission | US-EIN-463668128 |
2 | US-EIN-46-3668128 US-EIN-463668128 |
World Economic Forum | US-EIN-203908371 |
2 | CH-FDJP-107.856.445 US-EIN-20-3908371 |
World Economic Forum Geneva | CH-FDJP-66004229946 |
1 | XI-PB-CH-6600422994-6 |
World Education Inc. | US-EIN-13-1804349 |
1 | US-EIN-131-804-349 |
World Vision UK | GB-CHC-285908 |
2 | GB-CHC-285908 null |
WWF Sweden | SE-ON-802005-9823 |
0 | |
WWF-UK | GB-CHC-1081247 |
3 | GB-CHC-1081247 GB-COH-1081247 GB-COH-4016725 |
Young Africa International HUB | ZW-ROD-MA0000405/2015 |
2 | ZW-ROD-00004052015 ZW-ROD-MA0000405/2015 |
Young Women's Christian Association of Kenya | KE-NCB-218-051-9263-33 |
2 | KE-NCB-OP.218/051/9263/33 KE-NCB-OP218051926333 |