IATI Publishing Statistics now has a new home: http://publishingstats.iatistandard.org.


On the Registry ifrcrcs
Reporting Org on Registry XM-DAC-21018
Reporting Org(s) in Data XM-DAC-21018
Activity Files 70
Organisation Files 4
Total File Size 230.1 MB
Activities 29864
Unique Activities 958
Organisations 4
Versions 2.03
Hierarchies 1
Licenses cc-by
Files failing validation 0

29864 Activities


70 Activity Files


4 Organisation Files


Files per version


230.1 MB Total File Size


Files failing validation


0 Files where XML is not well-formed


Data Quality

This section will be blank if no issues were found.



The below figures are calculated based on the data contained within the <budget> element for each reported activity. Original and revised elements are based on the value declared in the budget/@type attribute. Where budgets fall across two calendar years, the month of the <period-end> date is used to determine annual groupings, with budgets for periods ending January-June added to the previous calendar year.

Year Count (all) Sum (all) Count (Original) Sum (Original) Count (Revised) Sum (Revised)
Total 59728 78273299167.5 CHF
29864 11582558450.4 CHF
29864 78273299167.5 CHF
2008 12 5466808.5 CHF
6 5466808.5 CHF
6 5466808.5 CHF
2012 36 14967211.77 CHF
18 14967211.77 CHF
18 14967211.77 CHF
2013 14 2105560.0216 CHF
7 2105560.0216 CHF
7 2105560.0216 CHF
2014 8 1232544.8384 CHF
4 717215.4768 CHF
4 1232544.8384 CHF
2015 66 65804748.8757 CHF
33 68674830.0031 CHF
33 65804748.8757 CHF
2016 178 86512218.933 CHF
89 98348195.758 CHF
89 86512218.933 CHF
2017 378 76042648.4198 CHF
189 71746899.9911 CHF
189 76042648.4198 CHF
2018 10488 1653103946.1 CHF
5244 790825263.244 CHF
5244 1653103946.1 CHF
2019 10212 1472904925.9 CHF
5106 0.0 CHF
5106 1472904925.9 CHF
2020 9160 1320132845.22 CHF
4580 0.0 CHF
4580 1320132845.22 CHF
2021 7662 1037183731.55 CHF
3831 0.0 CHF
3831 1037183731.55 CHF
2022 5178 762661869.808 CHF
2589 0.0 CHF
2589 762661869.808 CHF
2023 2532 408574436.887 CHF
1266 0.0 CHF
1266 408574436.887 CHF
2024 230 32312765.855 CHF
115 0.0 CHF
115 32312765.855 CHF
null 13574 71334292904.8 CHF
6787 10529706465.6 CHF
6787 71334292904.8 CHF

Exploring Data


Package Activities (J) Organisations (J) File Size (J) Version (J)
ifrcrcs-act201808 166 0 1.8 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201809 156 0 1.6 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201810 157 0 1.6 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201811 151 0 1.6 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201812 148 0 1.5 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201901 148 0 1.5 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201902 154 0 1.6 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201903 156 0 1.5 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201904 164 0 1.6 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201905 174 0 1.7 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201906 166 0 1.5 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201907 175 0 1.5 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201908 182 0 1.5 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201909 197 0 1.6 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201910 213 0 1.7 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201911 221 0 1.7 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act201912 223 0 1.6 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202001 230 0 1.7 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202002 235 0 1.7 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202003 238 0 1.8 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202004 242 0 1.8 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202005 251 0 1.9 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202006 257 0 2.0 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202007 273 0 2.2 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202008 284 0 2.4 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202009 288 0 2.4 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202010 301 0 2.5 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202011 313 0 2.0 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202012 319 0 2.1 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202101 327 0 2.2 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202102 336 0 2.3 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202103 342 0 2.4 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202104 350 0 2.5 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202105 364 0 2.5 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202106 371 0 2.6 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202107 385 0 2.8 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202108 403 0 3.0 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202109 417 0 3.1 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202110 429 0 3.2 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202111 441 0 3.3 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202112 456 0 3.5 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202201 468 0 3.6 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202202 487 0 3.7 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202203 492 0 3.9 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202204 503 0 4.0 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202205 512 0 4.1 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202206 513 0 4.0 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202207 533 0 4.3 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202208 545 0 4.4 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202209 562 0 4.6 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202210 588 0 4.7 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202211 601 0 4.9 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202212 632 0 5.4 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202301 639 0 5.6 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202302 655 0 5.7 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202303 665 0 5.9 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202304 674 0 6.1 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202305 688 0 6.1 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202306 697 0 6.2 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202307 707 0 6.3 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202308 730 0 6.5 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202309 741 0 6.7 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202310 757 0 4.5 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202311 773 0 4.5 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202312 786 0 4.6 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202401 796 0 4.8 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202402 808 0 4.9 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202403 822 0 5.1 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202404 832 0 5.2 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-act202405 855 0 5.3 MB 2.03
ifrcrcs-org2018 0 1 3.9 kB 2.03
ifrcrcs-org2019 0 1 3.9 kB 2.03
ifrcrcs-org2020 0 1 4.3 kB 2.03
ifrcrcs-org2021 0 1 5.6 kB 2.03

Codelist Values (version 2.xx)

Element/Attribute Codelist Values on Codelist Values not on Codelist
.//@default-currency Currency 1 0
.//activity-date/@type ActivityDateType 3 0
.//activity-scope/@code ActivityScope 3 0
.//activity-status/@code ActivityStatus 2 0
.//budget/@status BudgetStatus 1 0
.//budget/@type BudgetType 2 0
.//budget/value/@currency Currency 1 0
.//default-aid-type/@code CashandVoucherModalities 0 1
Note: this attribute can be on multiple codelists (specified by the @vocabulary attribute) but the Dashboard only currently checks against the default codelist - see issue #174. Therefore some publishers may incorrectly show up as "Not On Codelist".
.//document-link/@format FileFormat 1 2
.//document-link/category/@code DocumentCategory 1 0
.//participating-org/@role OrganisationRole 2 0
.//participating-org/@type OrganisationType 2 0
.//recipient-country/@code Country 145 1
.//recipient-region/@code Region 8 0
.//reporting-org/@type OrganisationType 1 0
.//sector/@code UNSDG-Targets 0 1
Note: this attribute can be on multiple codelists (specified by the @vocabulary attribute) but the Dashboard only currently checks against the default codelist - see issue #174. Therefore some publishers may incorrectly show up as "Not On Codelist".
.//sector/@vocabulary SectorVocabulary 1 0
.//transaction/transaction-type/@code TransactionType 3 0
.//transaction/value/@currency Currency 1 0

Elements and Attributes Published

Element/Attribute Activities/Organisations Files
iati-activity 29864 70
iati-activity/@default-currency 29864 70
iati-activity/@hierarchy 29864 70
iati-activity/@humanitarian 29864 70
iati-activity/@last-updated-datetime 29864 70
iati-activity/activity-date 29864 70
iati-activity/activity-date/@iso-date 29864 70
iati-activity/activity-date/@type 29864 70
iati-activity/activity-scope 29864 70
iati-activity/activity-scope/@code 29864 70
iati-activity/activity-status 29864 70
iati-activity/activity-status/@code 29864 70
iati-activity/budget 29864 70
iati-activity/budget/@status 29864 70
iati-activity/budget/@type 29864 70
iati-activity/budget/period-end 29864 70
iati-activity/budget/period-end/@iso-date 29864 70
iati-activity/budget/period-start 29864 70
iati-activity/budget/period-start/@iso-date 29864 70
iati-activity/budget/value 29864 70
iati-activity/budget/value/@currency 29864 70
iati-activity/budget/value/@value-date 29864 70
iati-activity/contact-info 29864 70
iati-activity/contact-info/email 29864 70
iati-activity/default-aid-type 29864 70
iati-activity/default-aid-type/@code 29864 70
iati-activity/description 29864 70
iati-activity/description/narrative 29864 70
iati-activity/document-link 28512 70
iati-activity/document-link/@format 28512 70
iati-activity/document-link/@url 28512 70
iati-activity/document-link/category 28512 70
iati-activity/document-link/category/@code 28512 70
iati-activity/document-link/document-date 28512 70
iati-activity/document-link/document-date/@iso-date 28512 70
iati-activity/document-link/title 28512 70
iati-activity/document-link/title/narrative 28512 70
iati-activity/iati-identifier 29864 70
iati-activity/participating-org 29864 70
iati-activity/participating-org/@ref 29864 70
iati-activity/participating-org/@role 29864 70
iati-activity/participating-org/@type 29864 70
iati-activity/participating-org/narrative 29864 70
iati-activity/recipient-country 28394 70
iati-activity/recipient-country/@code 28394 70
iati-activity/recipient-country/narrative 28394 70
iati-activity/recipient-region 1470 70
iati-activity/recipient-region/@code 1470 70
iati-activity/recipient-region/narrative 1470 70
iati-activity/reporting-org 29864 70
iati-activity/reporting-org/@ref 29864 70
iati-activity/reporting-org/@type 29864 70
iati-activity/reporting-org/narrative 29864 70
iati-activity/sector 29864 70
iati-activity/sector/@code 29864 70
iati-activity/sector/@vocabulary 29864 70
iati-activity/title 29864 70
iati-activity/title/narrative 29864 70
iati-activity/transaction 29111 70
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org 28530 70
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/@ref 28530 70
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/narrative 28530 70
iati-activity/transaction/transaction-date 29111 70
iati-activity/transaction/transaction-date/@iso-date 29111 70
iati-activity/transaction/transaction-type 29111 70
iati-activity/transaction/transaction-type/@code 29111 70
iati-activity/transaction/value 29111 70
iati-activity/transaction/value/@currency 29111 70
iati-activity/transaction/value/@value-date 29111 70
iati-organisation 4 4
iati-organisation/@default-currency 4 4
iati-organisation/@last-updated-datetime 4 4
iati-organisation/document-link 4 4
iati-organisation/document-link/@format 4 4
iati-organisation/document-link/@url 4 4
iati-organisation/document-link/category 4 4
iati-organisation/document-link/category/@code 4 4
iati-organisation/document-link/document-date 4 4
iati-organisation/document-link/document-date/@iso-date 4 4
iati-organisation/document-link/title 4 4
iati-organisation/document-link/title/narrative 4 4
iati-organisation/name 4 4
iati-organisation/name/narrative 4 4
iati-organisation/organisation-identifier 4 4
iati-organisation/reporting-org 4 4
iati-organisation/reporting-org/@ref 4 4
iati-organisation/reporting-org/@type 4 4
iati-organisation/reporting-org/narrative 4 4
iati-organisation/total-budget 4 4
iati-organisation/total-budget/@status 4 4
iati-organisation/total-budget/period-end 4 4
iati-organisation/total-budget/period-end/@iso-date 4 4
iati-organisation/total-budget/period-start 4 4
iati-organisation/total-budget/period-start/@iso-date 4 4
iati-organisation/total-budget/value 4 4
iati-organisation/total-budget/value/@currency 4 4
iati-organisation/total-budget/value/@value-date 4 4
iati-organisation/total-expenditure 4 4
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-end 4 4
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-end/@iso-date 4 4
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-start 4 4
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-start/@iso-date 4 4
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/value 4 4
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/value/@currency 4 4
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/value/@value-date 4 4